Residential Home Builders Alliance
The RCEC is affiliated with this alliance. RHBA is dedicated to fostering business growth and strengthening the commitment to professional development, mentoring and education. Their strength lies in the energy, talents, collaboration and participation of our diverse members. Members range from large organizations to a one-person business and everything in-between. RHBA offers the resources and support to help each of those members compete and prosper in today’s environment.
The RCEC is an association of construction trade employers and builders
Members are contractors and sub-contractors who employ any building trade employees and builders who are primarily engaged in the construction of housing units..
The RCEC meets with labor representing this organization and its members in the residential construction industry.The council has a representative group of members from many different trade associations.Its primary concern is carpentry, the single-most important trade in residential construction.
The RCEC serves to consolidate managerial interest and strives to represent the entire residential construction industry demonstrating a united front in the consideration of labor matters.RCEC strives for improvements in labor relationships.